I once submitted a poem to a poetry contest when I was in the first grade. It was about snow. I remember working really hard on it and feeling proud of what I wrote. Of course, it never got published. My mom just called and told me what I wrote:
Snow is white
Snow is bright
Snow flies like a kite
Snow is very light
After spending the past week trying to dig out after the many inches of snowfall we received while I was traveling, all in an attempt to make my driveway drivable, and still not succeeding - after multiple attempts at shoveling, getting my car stuck, digging out my car, re-shoveling, getting my car stuck, digging out my car...I'm thinking perhaps I'd like to retract my original poem to something more like:
Snow is heavy, icy and cold
Poor shovel is too weak and old
To cut through the compacted crust
I give up! The driveway's a bust.
My poor cold car just wants one night in a heated garage.
Yes, is IS another license plate shot.
I DO love license plates :-)
But today, I do NOT love snow :-\