June 21, 2010

Solstice Saturation

A little solstice plant.
The roseroot.

Roseroot: Grows in cold regions - Improves mood - Alleviates depression - Reduces fatigue

If I had known of the therapeutic powers of Rhodiola rosea, I would have indulged. It may have brightened my mood. A soggy solstice trip cut short: driving up river beds next to gold mines allowed us access to areas unknown, damp down sleeping bags, packrafting under stormy skies, hitchhiking in a car already too full, a 6 hr power nap in the front seat waiting for gas. Four days of ... what? A saturated sour solstice soiree. I felt let down with expectations set too high. Will I ever learn? Perhaps next time I'll remember to replenish in the little things, like the roseroot.

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